Monday, November 21, 2011

Ugh Politics!

I have never been so appalled by our U.S. government than when I heard that pizza is now considered a vegetable. Whether or not the sauce on top of the pizza can be considered a vegetable is even questionable. This is not your grandmother's tomato sauce, this is tomato paste and whatever chemical concoctions scientists have created as cheaply as possible to preserve it for eternity. What a disappointing step back for parents, nutritionists and childhood obesity advocates everywhere.

Broccoli is a vegetable. Peppers are vegetables. Yeast and white flour topped with tomato paste, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni and sausage should never be considered a vegetable.

The processed food giants win again with the help of their deep pockets and political influence. Americans are once again duped into thinking that the government has their best interests in mind when it comes to public health.We all love pizza, but it doesn't grow in the soil. Maybe the White House gardeners should plant some pizza dough and mozzarella cheese and see if anything green comes up.

1 comment:

  1. This is insane and, unfortunately, not a surprise!

    Great post - I love the last sentence - very Andy Rooney-esque! :)
