Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Making Local Produce Accessible to Everyone

Kudos to New York State Government for supporting New York State growers through their Fresh Connect Farmers' Markets program. According to a Times Union article today, it will provide up to $15,000  to farmers' markets to assist local farmers in expanding their geographic sales areas and farmers' market options.  

More importantly, I think, is the introduction of the system to accept food stamps and WIC at our farmers' markets and a $2 rebate for every $5 in food stamps spent. New York State is finally making fresh, local produce accessible to everyone, which is a wonderful thing. Low income individuals in the State will get local, great tasting produce and local farmers will expand their sales.

It sounds like the best of both worlds. Now if they could just make sure that those without cars have public transportation options to get to the farmers' markets, we'd be all set.

Click on the link for the Times Union article below for more information.